Elasticsearch Latest

Scale applications based on elasticsearch search template query result.

Availability: v2.5+ Maintainer: Community

Trigger Specification

This specification describes the elasticsearch trigger that scales based on result of an elasticsearch search template query.

The trigger always requires the following information:

  - type: elasticsearch
      addresses: "http://localhost:9200"
      username: "elastic"
      passwordFromEnv: "ELASTIC_PASSWORD"
      index: "my-index"
      searchTemplateName: "my-search-template-name"
      params: "param1:value1;param2:value2"
      valueLocation: "hits.total.value"
      targetValue: "1.1"
      activationTargetValue: "5.5"

Parameter list:

  • addresses - Comma separated list of hosts and ports of the Elasticsearch cluster client nodes.
  • username - Username to authenticate with to Elasticsearch cluster.
  • passwordFromEnv - Environment variable to read the authentication password from to authenticate with the Elasticsearch cluster.
  • index - Comma separated list of indexes to run the search template query on.
  • searchTemplateName - The search template name to run.
  • targetValue - Target value to scale on. When the metric provided by the API is equal or higher to this value, KEDA will start scaling out. When the metric is 0 or less, KEDA will scale down to 0. (This value can be a float)
  • activationTargetValue - Target value for activating the scaler. Learn more about activation here.(Default: 0, Optional, This value can be a float)
  • parameters - Parameters that will be used by the search template. It supports multiples params separated by a semicolon character ( ; ).
  • valueLocation - GJSON path notation to refer to the field in the payload containing the metric value.
  • unsafeSsl - Skip certificate validation when connecting over HTTPS. (Values: true, false, Default: false, Optional)

Authentication Parameters

You can authenticate by using a username/password authentication.

Password Authentication:

  • username - Username to authenticate with to Elasticsearch cluster.
  • password - Password for configured user to login to Elasticsearch cluster.


Here is an example of how to deploy a scaled object with the elasticsearch scale trigger which uses TriggerAuthentication.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: elasticsearch-secrets
type: Opaque
  password: cGFzc3cwcmQh
apiVersion: keda.sh/v1alpha1
kind: TriggerAuthentication
  name: keda-trigger-auth-elasticsearch-secret
  - parameter: password
    name: elasticsearch-secrets
    key: password
apiVersion: keda.sh/v1alpha1
kind: ScaledObject
  name: elasticsearch-scaledobject
    name: "deployment-name"
    - type: elasticsearch
        addresses: "http://localhost:9200"
        username: "elastic"
        index: "my-index"
        searchTemplateName: "my-search-template"
        valueLocation: "hits.total.value"
        targetValue: "10"
        params: "dummy_value:1"
        name: keda-trigger-auth-elasticsearch-secret